3 Lesser-Known Benefits of Valet Storage Over Self-storage

22 July 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Valet storage is the new kid on the block as far as innovative storage solutions go. Instead of driving to storage warehouses, people can easily access storage services right on their mobile phones. It's all thanks to the advancement in technology as well as the continually changing client requirements. If you are searching for storage services, therefore, you should try out valet storage. Other than the typical advantages such as competitive rates, value for money and convenience, this article goes deeper by highlighting some of the lesser-known benefits of valet storage over self-storage. 

1. Enhanced Security -- Standard storage units in warehouses provide clients with security cards or keys for access at any time. While these facilities have security measures in place, it is difficult to see or tell what a customer is doing once they get behind their storage unit. What sets valet storage apart regarding safety is the prohibition of customers or outsiders from gaining access to the storage warehouse. The reasoning is that since valet service providers pick and retrieve belongings per client requests, then only the staff can gain access to the warehouse and nobody else. Therefore, valet storage ensures tighter security. 

2. Visual Inventory Management -- While most customers prefer conducting a physical audit of their belongings in self-storage facilities regularly, the drive can at times be a nuisance. Moreover, you need to have a record of your belongings for a manual audit. With valet storage services, you do not have to worry about maintaining a manual record or forgetting what is in storage. An internet-based inventory management system allows you to take pictures of all storage boxes before and after the unit is taken to the designated storage warehouse. Therefore, you can quickly confirm the status of your belongings from the comfort of your house.

3. Plastic Storage Boxes -- When seeking storage services, it is critical to examine the type of boxes used. Traditionally, people have primarily used carton boxes to store their belongings. While the boxes perform well with dry contents, they have often proved risky with liquids, especially flammable materials. Valet storage has gone a step ahead by offering clients with sturdy, airtight plastic boxes for storage needs. In the event of spillage inside a storage box, then no leakage can compromise the belongings of other customers. Besides, the likelihood of fire incidences is also reduced if the spillage happens to be flammable.
